What to Expect After Referring Someone to the Center
When a pastor has been working with an individual, couple or family and discerns it is appropriate to refer them for professional, Christian counseling, the following protocol will help you understand the process:
A pastor can make an initial phone call to The Center to make us aware of a pending/possible new client. If you have a recommendation for a particular therapist or have any initial questions from your client, you may call to inquire.
At this point, you need to inform the individual (or parent/guardian if the client is a minor) that they must call The Center to do the initial Intake/Screening (which is done over the phone). This will generally take about 4-6 minutes.
Once the Intake/Screening is done, that information is given to the Clinical Director (Kevin Randall) who will select the therapist that is most suited for the client, their situation and their goals for counseling.
Usually within 1-2 days, either the therapist or one of the administrative staff will give the client a call back and schedule their initial session. If the therapist calls, this will give the client a chance to ask any questions beforehand.
Paperwork is mailed out to the client so that they can fill out all forms before they come for the initial session. If their session is too soon to mail the forms, we ask the client to come in 15-20 minutes ahead of their appointment.
No communication whatsoever can happen between The Center and anyone other than the client without a signed Release of Information form (ROI) from the client. At the first session the therapist will offer to the client to fill out two separate ROI’s. One would allow us to send you, as the referring pastor, a personal thank you, letting you know that the client did schedule an appointment here at the Center. A second ROI would allow us to communicate to you, or to receive information from you, or both. It is entirely up to the client whether they give us permission to contact you for either reason. You may want to speak with the client ahead of time, especially if you deem it beneficial to be able to share information back and forth about the client’s treatment/progress.
If a ROI form is on file (signed and dated) by the client, the therapist is able to periodically share information or receive information from you, as the pastor, if it would benefit the treatment process. The ROI can be revoked by the client at any point, in writing.
We value and appreciate the confidence you have in our clinic and the professional services that our therapists provide to those whom you refer. Your feedback and input is vitally important. Thank you!