Welcome Pastors!
We enjoy very positive and mutually beneficial relationships with so many of our area pastors/clergy/ministry leaders. Our ministry to the people that God places under our care overlaps with the care that you bring as the local shepherd of your faith community and we count it a privilege to co-labor with you in helping meet the needs of God’s people.
There is a wide variety of information and professional services that we provide to pastors that we trust will aid you in your ministry. Some services are provided here within the pages of our website while others may be provided on site or here at our clinic. Our desire is to be a viable, professional resource to you in whatever way(s) God enables us.
If we don’t quite “scratch your itch” please let us know how we may be of service to you. We mean it, because we truly care.
Providing Christian Counseling in Madison, WI since 1981
How, When & Why to Refer to Professional Services
Pastor Tools & Assessments for the Most Common Issues Pastors will Face
Pastor Directory of Christian Community Resources
Caring for the Pastor & Ministry Family Resources
Pastor Support Groups, Discussion Forums, Leadership Trainings & More!

Professional Services
Offered to Pastors
Assessments and recommendations for potential referrals
Pastor Group Forums
Youth Pastor and Family Ministry Leaders Discussion Forum
Senior and Associate Pastors Discussion Forum
Complimentary Pastor Passes
Events, workshops, seminars
Pastor Consultation “Office Hours”
Directory for referrals and resources
Pastoral Self-Care and Support
Church and Ministry Group Consultations and Assessments
Pastors’ Support Group (led by a pastor/therapist)
All Area Pastor’s Presentations (on a specific topic; 1 hr, 2 hr, ½ day; full day)
Financial Partnership for members of your congregation needing assistance
2010 - present
2010 - present