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Therapy Questions



Are all therapists Christians?


Yes; all of our therapists and staff are born-again believers; we are all Christ-followers.  The Word of God (the Holy Bible) is our source of truth and we trust God to guide us in our treatment and care of each and every client.


What is Christian counseling?


Counseling done by a Christian who is also a professional counselor who combines insights from secular counseling with relavent biblical principles to help clients move toward wholeness (spiritually, psychologically, relationally, physically, and sexually).


What is the clinic's mission?


To provide quality and professional Christ-centered care. 


How is confidentiality handled at The Center?


We do not share any of your information with anyone except with your written permission.  The exception to this is if you are going to hurt yourself or someone else, then we do whatever we can to make sure everyone is safe.


What can I expect at my initial counseling visit?


To begin, the therapist reviews with the client the Client Bill of Rights, the Client Information Form as well as the steps in the therapy process.  This is also your opportunity to see if you “connect” with your therapist and discern whether the therapist will be helpful to you.  Then, your therapist will spend time interacting with you and asking you specific questions to complete an evaluation based on the information you share.  The evaluation helps set specific collaborative goals you to work on in sessions.  This is very important because the goals set the direction as well as measure progress and determine when therapy is completed.



How are the Christian faith and the Christian worldview/perspective handled in therapy?


Most clients that come to The Center have a Christian worldview and want their faith acknowledged and a part of the counseling process.  This is done in various ways including the use of Scripture and prayer.  










How frequent are therapy sessions?


This is based on the initial evaluation that is done at the first session.  The therapist makes the recommendation based on what is going to be best for the client.  









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